I Stand with Riley

“”I’m grateful to ICONS and the Athlete Legal Fund for supporting me, and ask you to join me in defending women in sport.”

– Riley Gaines

We need to take the fight for women’s sports and female athletes to court. Your donations to ICONS Athlete Legal Fund will directly support Riley Gaines and other female athletes. If you’d like to make a contribution by check or wire transfer, please reach out.

More About Riley’s Story

Independent Council on Womens Sports is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 88-2093870. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer.

Riley Gaines

Riley’s Story

I have been a devout swimmer from the age of seven. It’s hard to explain the amount of time, hard
work, and sacrifice I have made in an effort to be successful at my sport. Every opportunity and every small victory along the way made the next step possible.

Last year, a 6’4″ male (Lia Thomas) and I raced at the National Championships, which ultimately resulted in a tie. Upon tying, I was told Thomas (the male athlete) would get the trophy instead of myself as it was necessary for photo purposes. Everything I worked my entire life for was reduced to a photo-op to validate a male’s feelings and identity of himself. All the women in the race faced unfair competition and the silencing of our voices through intimidation, emotional blackmail and gas-lighting by these large
organizations and institutions. I still struggle with knowing the people who were supposed to shield us from harm and make sure our sport is ethical were the same people who were silent and allowed us to be discriminated against. This goes against everything federal civil rights laws and Title IX were intended to protect. Women’s sports were created to recognize and celebrate the unique physical accomplishments of female athletes. I feel neither recognized nor celebrated. I feel betrayed,